Our Story

Located in the heart of New York City, come visit us at 304 East 78 th Street for a culinary experience you will never forget. It is great to add some glamour to the food industry. We respect our guests and their needs. Whatever we do, do with determination and confidence. Chef’s profound food knowledge, food memories and magic touch of each ingredient to create the mouth watering and palatable dishes which is in reality extraordinary.

Delight in South East Asian Cuisine from the decadent and worldly expertise of a renowned former Chef of Baluchi Restaurant – with more than 20 years in the industry our menu is sure to surprise and tantalize your taste buds.

Why choose us

Feed people wholesome real ingredients that make the biggest impact in their lives. ANAND creates the perfect eating environment for a casual yet efficient experience with a full service attitude.Not only do we care about what we put in our mouths but we care about the effect and consequences that food production has on the environment.